On the Afsluitdijk dam in the Netherlands. This picture has been used in the posters at th...
A suggestion of concentric circular annuli in this photo from the West Coast of Australia.
The drawing of the veins in this wenge-wooden sculpture of Tommaso Letteriello suggests th...
If we draw two circumferences C and C', which are internally tangent on the point T, we ca...
The problem of the wrapping of circumferences shown in a stack of wood.
A frieze of type *∞∞, against the line of the horizon, at Iraklion (Crete).
The idea of parallel lines in this photo of the Shell Beach in Australia.
Il puzzle mostra una equidecomposizione tra due ottagoni di lato 1 e un ottagono di lato ...
Symmetry effects obtained by putting together some veneers. A creation of Tommaso Letterie...
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