Images for Mathematics
polygons (127)
regular star polygons (18)
other non simple polygons (73)
area problems (29)
tessellations (333)
curves and lines (98)
circle (62)
trasformazioni (110)
geoboard and squared paper (12)
other problems (59)

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A regular octagon

A regular octagon used for laboratory activities. You can see it also with other polygons.

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Forme svariate, che si può cercare di mettere in ordine da diversi punti di vista. Materi...

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A pentagon

A pentagon used for laboratory activities. You can see it also with other polygons.

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A hexagon

A non-convex hexagon used for laboratory activities. You can see it also with other polygo...

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Polygons used for laboratory activities

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Un esagono

Possiamo decidere che due poligoni hanno la stessa forma quando è ; possibile trascinare ...

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Un esagono

Possiamo decidere che due poligoni hanno la stessa forma quando è possibile trascinare i ...

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A square

A square made with tooth-picks and plasticine. If you make two squares like that and link ...

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Forme di quadrilateri

Possiamo decidere che due poligoni hanno la stessa forma quando è possibile trascinare i ...

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