Images for Mathematics
at the market (62)
in the street (208)
on the road (45)
clocks (43)
drains and manhole covers (30)
rims (45)
road signs (26)
in the house (146)
clothing and accessories (46)
in the kitchen (126)
playing (129)
work instruments (20)

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Symmetry in musical instru...

A prismatic symmetry (with just one plane of symmetry) characterizes most of these instrum...

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Una sfera

Una palla per gioco su prato in giunco intrecciato (Sepak, 1990) proveniente dalla Malesia...

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Una sfera

Una palla da gioco su prato (Sepak, 1993) proveniente dalle Filippine. Nell'intreccio si r...

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A polyhedral baloons

This hot air balloon has the shape of a polyhedron obtained by putting 20 pyramids on the ...

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A polyhedral baloons

This hot air balloon has the shape of a polyhedron obtained by putting 20 pyramids on the ...

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A baloon

Two baloons: the structure of the one in the foreground recalls the subdivision of the sph...

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Simmetria ciclica e diedrale a confronto in questo gruppo di girandole, fotografate a Bolz...

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In un parco giochi a Bolzano, in riva all'Isarco. Si può anche vedere una foto della sola...

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A Korean die

This die, whose faces are decorated with Korean writings that contain the rules of the gam...

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A football

The common football is a uniform polyhedron of type (5,6,6) and has the same symmetry of a...

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