Images for Mathematics
buildings (469)
decorations of floors (183)
decorations of walls and façades (666)
floor tiles and azulejos (39)
doors and windows (201)
roofs and domes (219)
gardens and courtyards (35)
gates and other dividing elements (101)
pillars, columns and capitals (99)
bridges (35)
stairs (22)
terraces (31)
fountains (37)
maps and views from above (15)
rose windows (55)
various architectural elements (109)

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Scritta su un muro presso la chiesa presbiteriana di Choong Hyun, a Seul.

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Un chiostro

Il chiostro del Centro Civico Culturale di Treviglio.Se ne può vedere un'altra inquadratu...

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Un chiostro

Il chiostro del Centro Civico Culturale di Treviglio.Se ne può vedere un'altra inquadratu...

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Rette parallele

Un viale nel parco ducale di Parma.

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Rette parallele

Un viale nel parco ducale di Parma.

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A pattern 4*2

A view of the Fortress Amber in Jaipur (India), where we can notice a pattern of type 4*2 ...

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A sun-dial

astronomical observatory in Jaipur (India).">A sun-dial (of the early eighteenth century), in the a href="grande.php?ID=6542">astronomi...

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Astronomical instruments

Astronomical instruments (of the beginning of the eighteenth century) used to study the pa...

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Astronomical instruments

Astronomical instruments (of the beginning of the eighteenth century) used to study the pa...

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Astronomical instruments

Astronomical instruments (of the beginning of the eighteenth century) used to study the pa...

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gardens and courtyards

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