Images for Mathematics
projections of a hypercube (24)
net of a hypercube (59)
Schlegel diagram of a hypercube (37)
sections of a hypercube (20)
two tori in a hypercube (9)
the complete collection of the 261 nets of a hypercube (262)
various matters about hypercube (17)

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Cubi e ipercubi

Un modello di proiezione di un ipercubo, insieme ai cubi che lo costituiscono: due degli o...

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Cubi e ipercubi

Alcuni modelli di ipercubo, insieme ai cubi che li costituiscono: a sinistra una proiezion...

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A hypercube

The structure of the vertices and edges of a hypercube. The woollen threads put in evidenc...

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A hypercube

A laboratory activity: a home-made hypercube to get an idea of the fourth dimension.

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projections of a hypercube

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