Images for Mathematics
polyhedra around the world (158)
regular polyhedra (273)
star polyhedra (30)
uniform polyhedra and their duals (99)
prisms, antiprisms, pyramids, dipyramids (77)
deltahedra (17)
polyhedra of positive genus (24)
others polyhedra (30)
Euler relation (19)
symmetry of the cube (46)
problems about polyhedra (126)
models of polyhedra (81)
nets for polyhedra (72)
the polyhedra of Leonardo da Vinci fo... (60)
from a note of Struver (1871) (204)

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Un lampadario

La struttura di questo lampadario ricorda quella del triacontaedro rombico, le cui facce s...

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Un edificio di forma strana (un prisma la cui base potrebbe essere un trapezio, o anche un...

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A polyhedral baloons

This hot air balloon has the shape of a polyhedron obtained by putting 20 pyramids on the ...

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The pyramids which stand in front of the Museum Le Louvre in Paris.

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Quattro cubi

A Stoccarda, una scultura composta da 4 cubi.

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Una facciata non piana

Il Palazzo dell'Orologio, in piazza dei Cavalieri, a Pisa, con la sua facciata non piana, ...

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Un lampadario

A Sondrio, un lampadario che ha la forma di un poliedro uniforme, di tipo (3,4,4,4).Si pos...

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A Stresa, all'ingresso di una villa, due cubi in posizione "anomala". Si può vederne un'a...

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A baloon

Two baloons: the structure of the one in the foreground recalls the subdivision of the sph...

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Two hot air balloons: the one on the right has the structure of a uniform polyhedron of ty...

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polyhedra around the world

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