Images for Mathematics
one mirror (77)
two mirrors (80)
three or more mirrors: the plane mirror boxes (117)
three mirrors: the 3d kaleidoscope (139)
other objects (110)

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How many balls?

The picture shows what happens when you put three balls in a kaleidoscope corresponding to...

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A virtual small stellated ...

One of the four regular stellated polyhedra, the small stellated dodecahedron, in the kale...

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The rotations of the tetra...

The blue straw, laid between the mirrors that form an angle of 60°, shows the 4 rotation ...

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Symmetry in Milan

The setting of the exhibition Symmetry, playing with mirrors at the Mathematics Department...

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How many balls?

The picture shows what happens when you put just one ball in a kaleidoscope, which corresp...

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Fun with a kaleidoscope

Mirror games in the kaleidoscope of the cube. Exhibit from Simmetria, giochi di specchi - ...

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How many balls?

The picture shows what happens when you put just one ball in a kaleidoscope, which corresp...

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A virtual great icosahedron

Here we see the great icosahedron, one of the four regular stellated polyhedra, in the kal...

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A virtual tetrahedron

One of the five regular polyhedra, the tetrahedron, reconstructed in the corresponding kal...

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Playing with a kaleidoscope

A basket seen through the kaleidoscope of the tetrahedron. From the exhibition Simmetria, ...

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three mirrors: the 3d kaleidoscope

in the blue kaleidoscope (cube) (64)in the red kaleidoscope (dodecahedron) (32)in the yellow kaleidoscope (tetrahedron) (26)the objects (18)

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