Images for Mathematics
the symmetry group of the cube (*432) (88)
the symmetry group of the dodecahedro... (82)
the symmetry group of the tetrahedron... (36)
the rotation group of a cube (432) (3)
the rotation group of a dodecahedron ... (9)
the rotation group of a tetrahedron (... (9)
the seventh case (3*2) (8)
quaternion group (8)
other prismal groups (117)
comparisons (8)

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A guitare

The photo puts in evidence a dihedral symmetry of type D1 in this guitare, made by Angelo ...

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A guitare

A detail of a guitare, made by Angelo Vailati; the photo puts in evidence a dihedral symme...

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A guitare

The photo puts in evidence a dihedral symmetry of type D1 in this guitare, made by Angelo ...

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A guitare

A detail of a guitare, made by Angelo Vailati; the photo puts in evidence a dihedral symme...

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A guitare

The photo puts in evidence a dihedral symmetry of type D1 in this guitare, made by Angelo ...

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A cupola

A symmetry of type D8, the same symmetry of a right pyramid with a regular octagon as a ba...

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A lamp based on the number 7

At the Haus Noldin in Salorno (Bolzano) we can see a strange lamp composed by 7 squares, 1...

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A flower of chick-pea plant

A dihedral symmetry of type D5 in this flower of chick-pea plant.

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Una poltrona C2

Il gruppo di simmetria di questo set di due poltroncine (a Valencia, in Spagna) è prismat...

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Tre specchi a 90°

Modellino di 1/8 di botte accostato a tre specchi a 90° nell'exhibit "Dal piano allo spaz...

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