Images for Mathematics
one mirror (77)
two mirrors (80)
three or more mirrors: the plane mirror boxes (117)
three mirrors: the 3d kaleidoscope (139)
other objects (110)

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Word games in French

A word that doesn't have any axes of symmetry parallel to the direction of writing.

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Word games

If we write a word vertically (one letter under the other) and put it against a mirror, we...

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Word games in French

If we write a word vertically (one letter under the other) and put it against a mirror, we...

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Word games in French

If we write a word vertically (one letter under the other) and put it against a mirror, we...

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Word games in French

A word that is not a palindrome, but in which all the letters have an axis of symmetry tha...

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Word games in French

A word that is not a palindrome, but in which all the letters have an axis of symmetry tha...

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Word games

A word with an axis of symmetry perpendicular to the direction of writing.

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one mirror

images in a mirror (29)word games with a mirror (48)

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