Images for Mathematics
the sphere (116)
the torus (92)
the double torus (73)
the Moebius strip (93)
cylinders and other spheres with holes (35)
the Klein bottle (5)
other surfaces (55)
standard surfaces (35)
(virtual)surfaces in non-standard pos... (12)
problems about surfaces (102)
surfaces around the world (398)

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Una ciambella a quattro buchi

Il teorema di classificazione delle superfici asserisce che ogni superficie (compatta, con...

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A sphere with 4 handles

The theorem of classification of the surfaces states that any compact, connected, orientab...

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Una ciambella a cinque buchi

Il teorema di classificazione delle superfici asserisce che ogni superficie (compatta, con...

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A sphere with 5 handles

The theorem of classification of the surfaces states that any compact, connected, orientab...

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Una ciambella a sei buchi

Il teorema di classificazione delle superfici asserisce che ogni superficie (compatta, con...

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A sphere with 6 handles

The theorem of classification of the surfaces states that any compact, connected, orientab...

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Una ciambella a sette buchi

Il teorema di classificazione delle superfici asserisce che ogni superficie (compatta, con...

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A sphere with 7 handles

The theorem of classification of the surfaces states that any compact, connected, orientab...

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Una ciambella a tre buchi

Il teorema di classificazione delle superfici asserisce che ogni superficie (compatta, con...

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A sphere with 8 handles

The theorem of classification of the surfaces states that any compact, connected, orientab...

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standard surfaces

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