Images for Mathematics
one component knots (79)
two components knots (14)
three or more components knots (48)
knots described by two numbers (22)
knots around the world (168)

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A trefoil knot

A trefoil knot with number of crossings 3.The image has been realized for the exhibition m...

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A figure eight knot

The figure eight knot (also called the savoia knot) is the simplest knot after the trefoil...

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A fake knot

We define a "fake knot" as a knot (so, a simple, closed curve in the space) that can be de...

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A knot

A knot with 5 crossings. The image has been realized with the program KnotPlot.

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A knotted torus

This wooden sculpture represents a torus, that is not embedded in the three-dimensional sp...

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The figure-eight knot is e...

Some knots aren't equivalent to their specular image, but this is not the case of the figu...

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A fake knot

We define a "fake knot" as a knot (so, a simple, closed curve in the space) that can be de...

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(2,k)-torus knots

the torus knot of type (2,3) is the trefoil knot. You can see what happens when we increas...

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Stemma di Bernardo Clesio

Particolare di una delle due cordicelle ai lati dello stemma di Bernardo Clesio sul mastio...

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A figure eight knot

A decoration on the floor of the Galleria, in Milan. If we imagine to paste the ends, we g...

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one component knots

trefoil knot (31)figure eight knot (21)“fake” knot (22)others one component knots (6)

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