Images for Mathematics
dal laboratorio Simmetria, vegetali allo specchio (7)
scuola Velicogna (0)


Plants at the mirror

A diatom reproduced between two mirrors at 60°; from the setting of the laboratory Simm...

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Plants at the mirror

A diatom reproduced between two mirrors at 60°; from the setting of the laboratory Simm...

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Plants at the mirror

A diatom reproduced between incident mirrors; from the setting of the laboratory Simmetri...

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Plants at the mirror

The setting of the laboratory Simmetria, vegetali allo specchio in Bergamo.

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Plants at the mirror

The photo of a clematis reproduced between two mirrors at 90°; from the setting of the ...

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Plants at the mirror

The image of a pea reproduced at the mirror; from the setting of the laboratory Simmetria...

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Plants at the mirror

The square room of mirrors; from the setting of the laboratory Simmetria, vegetali allo sp...

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dal laboratorio Simmetria, vegetali allo specchio

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