Images for Mathematics
sculptures (205)
painting (38)
wallpaper patterns (13)

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An octahedron

A flying structure, by the artist José María Yturralde, with title "Octaedro", 1976. In...

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Helios, Thierry Teneul, 2002. Opera del percorso espositivo di Arte Sella, Val di Sella (T...

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An octahedron

Detail of a flying structure, by the artist José María Yturralde, with title "Octaedro",...

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A bitorus

Sul lungolago di Lugano, questa scultura di Jean Arp (Femme paysage) rappresenta dal punto...

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Nucleus, Armin Schubert, 2004. Opera inserita nel percorso espositivo di Arte Sella, Val d...

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A hypercube

Attilio Pierelli's hypercube in Viterbo. The sculpture can be interpreted as the projectio...

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A knot

The knot of piazzale Cadorna, in Milan.

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Come tagliare a metà una ...

La scultura "Semisfera attorno a due assi" di Max Bill, sul lungolago di Lugano. Si può ...

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A Moebius strip

This sculpture by Josep Canals, in the Pueblo Español in Barcellona, can give the idea of...

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Disque, Thierry Teneul, 2002. Opera del percorso espositivo di Arte Sella, Val di Sella (T...

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