Images for Mathematics
the sphere (116)
the torus (92)
the double torus (73)
the Moebius strip (93)
cylinders and other spheres with holes (35)
the Klein bottle (5)
other surfaces (55)
standard surfaces (35)
(virtual)surfaces in non-standard pos... (12)
problems about surfaces (102)
surfaces around the world (398)

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Colouring a Moebius strip

An exhibit of "Matematica viva", in Lisbon (Portugal) that shows that we need six colours ...

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The problem of the three h...

The solution of the problem of the three houses on the Moebius strip. You can also try to ...

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From a decagon to a bitorus

How to get a bitorus from a decagon: this is the first step. Here you can see the second s...

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Cutting a torus

By identifying opposite sides of a rectangle, we get a torus. See also the interactive ani...

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Una sfera cornuta

Se prendiamo una sfera "normale" nello spazio ordinario, il suo complementare e' fatto di ...

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Twelve colours for the map...

This blanket represents a map of 24 paired regions; a couple of regions is identified by t...

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The problem of the three h...

The solution of the problem of the three houses on a torus. You can also try to solve thi...

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From a rectangle to a torus

By identifying the opposite sides of a rectangle you get a torus. See also the interactive...

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Colouring a Moebius strip

The figure shows a map on a Moebius strip which consists of six regions, each of them is a...

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Six colours for the Moebiu...

The animation shows how to colour a map on the Moebius strip; the map consists of six regi...

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problems about surfaces

colouring a surface (5)Jordan's theorem and the three houses problem (27)surfaces obtained from a rectangle (31)what is a surface? (6)the horned sphere (10)homeomorphisms (14)normale a una superficie (11)

Your album

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